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Get into Spotify Playlists

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NEW !  Include your music in a Spotify playlist with more than 11,000 subscribers to receive real French listening. Also choose:

- Your place in the playlist

- Musical genre (Hip hop/Rap or Generalist)

Boost your listening / streams for your Spotify music or playlist. With the purchase of readings, you also increase the "number of listeners per month" displayed on the artist profile.

Your music will be posted for 7 days in a Spotify playlist according to the musical genre:

- Rap:"TOP 50 RAP: France",approximately 14,000 subscribers

- Generalist:"TikTok Trends: Trending 2023", about 11,000 subscribers

✅ Receive more royalties
✅ Premium and freemium streams

Where do the listeners come from?
Unlike the competition, the streams will be more than 90% French-speaking.  Your song will only be published on a French playlist.
You can see all the locations on "Spotify for Artists" and thus verify that these are not fake streams.

Once the order is made, each music will be listened to and checked to ensure the quality of the sounds added to the playlists.

When your music is validated, you will receive by email the link of the Spotify playlist with your embedded song.

If your music has not been validated, a refund will be made.


Playlist "Generalist"

Top 50 Rap France spotify

Playlist "Rap"


Quick delivery

You will start receiving Spotify services in 24 hours or less


100% guaranteed

We guarantee that you will receive your entire order. And most of the time, we give more than what you ordered.


After sales service

Gold record

We are available 7 days a week to answer your requests

Get closer to the gold record by increasing your streams (150 streams is the equivalent of a sale in France)

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Secure payment


Buy Spotify streams and subscribers securely with our SSL protection

The Spotify platform pays artists for each listen

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